Sheetz Hours
Sheetz Business Hours
Sheetz is a convenience store based in Pennsylvania. The company currently operates stores in North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. In total, the company operates nearly 450 stores. If you need assistance with products or services, you will need to contact the customer service department [+] by phone, email, traditional mail or through social media. You can also contact your local store during regular business hours.
Sheetz Regular Business Hours
- Weekdays: The stores are open Monday through Friday, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Weekends: The stores are open Saturday and Sunday, 24 hours a day.
Sheetz Holiday Hours
Sheetz does not close for holidays. You will notice that a few of the stores may close on one holiday. The holiday is:
- Christmas Day
Sheetz Special Event Hours
Sheetz hosts several special events [+] through the Sheetz for Kidz Foundation. The website provides a wealth of information relating to the events, but not times. You will need to contact your local store or the customer service department for additional details relating to the special events.
Contacting Sheetz to Verify Business Hours
- Phone Number: You can contact the customer service department by calling 1-800-487-5444. The customer service department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Customers can also contact your local store for assistance.
- Email Contact: When you want to send the stores an email, you will need to use the customer feedback form [+]. After you send your message, you will receive an automated message stating a live agent will reply to your concerns within 48 hours.
- Mail: You can connect with the customer service department by sending correspondence to the corporate headquarters here: Sheetz Corporate Office 5700 Sixth Avenue Altoona, PA 16602. The customer service department will attempt to reply to your concerns within five (5) business days.
- Social Media: Customers can connect with the customer service department through social media. The company offers a wealth of information relating to products and services on Facebook [+], Twitter [+] and YouTube [+]. The customer service department will also address general concerns. If you have store specific concerns, you will need to contact your local store.
I dont see you on the stock exchange. If you go public how might i know so i can buy stock
I’m pretty sure sheetz is a private company.