Walmart Hours
Walmart Business Hours
Walmart is the largest retailer throughout the world. The company operates more than 11,000 stores in 27 countries. More than 2 million “associates” work for Walmart, under 69 banners. As a global leader in retail, the company currently has assets exceeding $400 billion. Walmart is open every day, except select holidays.
Walmart Regular Business Hours
- Weekdays: The customer service department is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week through the online feedback form. If you want to call the customer service department at the Home Office, you can call, 8am to 5pm, CST. In the event you want to reach out to the customer service department at the store level, you will need to call between 7am and 11pm.
- Weekends: You can contact the customer service department at the store level 7am to 11pm, CST. The customer service department at Home Office is not available on the weekends. You have the opportunity to connect with the customer service department through the online customer feedback form 24 hours a day.
Walmart Holiday Hours
The only major holiday Walmart closes is Christmas. On Christmas Eve, Walmart closes at 8pm, local time. Additional holidays where Walmart limits holiday hours include:
- Thanksgiving
- New Years Day
- Easter
Walmart Special Event Hours
Each year, Walmart holds a special event the day after Thanksgiving. The hours of the event start at 5am and last until the store closes for the day. Within the past few years, the special event hours started at 5pm on Thanksgiving, local time.
Contacting Walmart to Verify Business Hours
- Phone Number: Customers can contact the customer service department at 1-800-925-6278. You can contact the financial services department at 1-877-294-7880. The business card services is available at 1-877-294-1086. The gift card services department is available at 1-888-537-5503. The pharmacy department is available at 1-800-273-3455.
- Email Contact: You can send an email to the customer service department [+]and ask questions relating to store operations or voice concerns about products or services.
- Mail: Customers can send questions or concerns to the customer service department at Walmart Home Office 702 SW 8th Street Bentonville, AK 72716-8611.
- Social Media: Customers can reach out to the customer service department through social media. Connect with a customer service agent on Facebook [+], Twitter [+], Google+ [+], Pinterest [+]or YouTube [+].
What are the hour for Thanksgiving, New Years Day, and Easter?
I have tried every way & every phone # but not 1 recording states what time the super stores that usually are open 24 hour a day reopen after closing for Christmas.Vary frustrated.
Certainly something worth getting so frustrated over. There is nothing you need so bad that you cant relax for a few hours. People!
They open early morning lol. You know that what’s everyone should do the day after Christmas. Wake up, get out of bed, and go straight to Wal Mart.
What time does Wal-Mart close in North dakota, Fargo??
Super centers only close the evening of Christmas Eve until early morning Dec. 26th. They remain opened 24 hours 7 days per week the rest of the year. Neighborhood Markets have more limited hours, which vary by location.
Will GM receiving be open on black Friday
No Walmarts are open on Thansgiving in Massachuestt so how can I participate on those deals?
can you canel reple because I need to get a job
You’ve got to be kidding me. Because you can’t get deals on thanksgiving youre one of the selfish assholes that take thanksgiving away from employees because you need to shop that day.
Wow ever stop to think that there are people that WANT to work on Thanksgiving – no place to go anyway? What’s the big fng deal anyway? it’s a DAY out of 365. There’s 364 days and the other 16 hours in that 365th day that is available for people to be with their families
Get over yourself
it says there is limited hours on thanksgiving but doesn’t say when they’re open or closed
Which Walmart in Clermont, Fl., will be open in Dec., 25th?
None? Because Walmart is usually closed on Christmas Day. It’s the only day that Walmart closes on. Most stores would return at 6:00 a.m., the day after Christmas.
Here in some South Florida stores, Walmart would close at 6:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve and not open again until 6:00 a.m. on the day after Christmas.
None, because all 11,000 locations are closed.
Why can’t All Walmart stores close around 4pm then workers can be with there families and reletives for Christmas eve church services if any of the employees do go to church they can. I am so happy for walmart being closed on christmas wish they was closed on Thanksgiving and just have black Friday on friday thru Sunday.
you must work at walmart
I will get a job at walmark it the best
… Seriously?
Seriously the name
Correction – can be with “their” families. Correction – wish they “were” closed.
Due to a significant loss of revenue for a business and availability for product to its customers. This is highly common with most all businesses.
Why doesn’t wal-mart close on any Jewish holidays? So worried about Jesus’ Birthday, pretty sure he was a Jew…
Pretty sure Hitler was a jew as well
Primarily because no Jewish holiday compares to the birth of Jesus Christ. Though Jews do not believe Jesus is the Son of God, you have to admit celebrating his birth is a little more important than celebrating Tu Bishvat,(the New Year for trees), Hanukkah (Jews recapture a tower), Sukkoth (celebration of a harvest), Rosh Hashanah (celebration of new year but never occurs on December 31st).
Because a lot of people would rather work and earn money especially during these holidays which are very draining on finances. Also not everybody (customers AND employees) has a happy family and church group to go home to.
Shows us money is more important to these big corporations that employees being with families. Make the ones work that want to because the don’t have somewhere to go
Does it ever occur to anyone that if retailers like Walmart hired mostly full-time employees and PAID them a real, reasonable living wage (with benefits like vacation and healthcare) that way more “associates” would take the day off to be with their families and friends? The argument that many employees want the extra cash is specious at best, and it’s super easy for Walmart execs to make such crappy claims when in fact they don’t pay a real wage.
When American corporations realize that shareholder equity is NOT Job #1, and corporate greed is not good, then we will begin to right the ship. Walmart is a metastesized cancer on this country and on principle I will not set foot in one regardless of what’s for sale there or at what price it’s being sold. Yuck.
Interesting point there Craig.
I wonder if these execs and shareholders actually realize that due to the lack of proper health insurance , I’m speaking of high quality, not just something they throw out, a good , not barely living wage, and the lack of full time positions as well as the unfulfilled promises of advancement that they promise they would not have such a high employee turn over rate. The large amount of money spent on constantly training New hires , not just during the holidays (which is exceedingly ridiculous , why not just keep a call back list for the ones you used last season in your area that were great, and are already trained, duh) , save some money and treat your employees like the gold they are. Show them loyalty and they will show it to you, and your customers will see it in their performance and will then become loyal to you. Instead of viewing everyone and everything as a cheap commodity to be thrown away when you’re done with it. How expensive and wasteful. Also for any customer thinking they are better than any employee , don’t worry , it takes one lay off, accident, natural did after, health issue , anything , and you could end up a Wal-Mart employee or , even worse , down at the homeless shelter looking for a bed and some food. We should all be grateful for what we have whether it’s a little or alot. Also, be mindful Wal-Mart is not as important as fire services or hospital or police services. If you don’t have milk, or toilet paper, or whatever once or twice a year and knew in advance when the store would be closed , that’s your fault. Also often gas stations are open those days get your stuff there. Everyone rich or poor deserves family time. Even gas stations should get to close. We all have gas cans , right?
Legally, shareholder equity IS job #1.
They close at 6 pm this year, which is better. Some stores are opened later and they stay opened for Christmas Day, which isn’t right. They should close around 11 p.m. or midnight on the day before Thanksgiving and open early morning on Friday.
What time does the store on Normandie Ave, Torrance, California open on Wednesday, December 24, 2014?
Most likely normal hours. You would have to check with the location. Supercenters are 24 hours. Neighborhood Markets vary. They all close at 6 pm though.
Have a nice holiday
So that mean y’all close to
Is Walmart closed today?
Casita Casita
Walmart have so many registers, yet I’ve never once seen anymore then 50% or 60% of them being utilized at once, even when sorely needed! C’mon Walmart! The fact is your customers will appreciate less time checking out a lot more then being greeted or bid farewell by one of your employees at the door! C’mon guys, who sets the corporate policies?
I called on Christmas eve said closes at 8 pm but i get there at 7:37 n doors closed. I to me the doors don’t lock until closed. I despise walmart as it is but i have a gift card from my church so my children could actually have gifts. After this gift card is gone ill not step foot in a walmart. If i ever fall on hard timed again ill just tell them to keep the card or ill give it to someone else.
Maybe you should keep your legs closed and quit squirting out uneeded babies.
Then go back to school and learn to write and quit worrying about Walmart
It would be nice to include the time the stores will reopen after 8:00pm Christmas eve.
We all know when WalMart is closing — WHEN IS IT GONNA OPEN????
Soon Jim. Very soon.
What time does Walmart open on December 26?
Sue I don’t knoe
When is WalMart going to reopen?
Police officers, paremedics, hospital staff and soldiers don’t get off on christmas eve or Christmas so what’s the big deal if walmart employees work til 8pm christmas eve?
This post is hilarious….Walmart employees aren’t emergency services, genius….the American shopper’s lack of planning does not constitute an emergency.
I know this is an old post, but really? Retail is as important as public safety? From a family that has all of the aforementioned, they rotate their holidays and though it sucks when they cannot make holidays, it is for a darn good public service like saving lives.
Most nonsensical statement equating the importance of health and safety to being able sell you a TV cheap.
Compare and contrasting is a grade school skill.
Folif my shopping is not complete by Christmas eve, I’m done. I believe other people have families and cooking to do. Walmart employees should have those special holidays. Folks, we have 12 moths to shop for x-mass shopping .
I done thot you wus jokin but codnt go in their today for the grosers shiping. Coud got feed but had dors loked and not they’re for sail.
So if someone is having a heart attack and requires transportation to the hospital, they are as bad off as someone who lacked planning in Christmas shopping? They work because they have to. Wal Mart associates don’t.
what time is the walmart closing in woodland wa 123-25-14
What are the hours of operation of Walmart for Christmas in Butte,Montana?
Closed just like every other store. Plan ahead next year. Have a merry Christmas my friend.
You should be open for a least 4 hours on Christmas
You should live in the 50’s where you had to plan ahead or do without.
You should live in the 50’s where stores were closed on Sundays.
It is pathetic that a corp. This large is to arrogant or lazy to post what time they open on Christmas evening .. not on website nor on the door of the stores …
Why can’t Walmart be open on Christmas day when I could buy presents for people that I see the next day.
as compared to being open since January? No time except Christmas day to shop 😉 Same with my husband lol
Because associates have a family and lives too? Why can’t all stores close on Sundays again? Why do stores have to be open 24 hours or until 11 p.m. or midnight? Here’s an idea, why don’t you go work Christmas Day and see how you like it? You had the whole month to shop for this people. Actually, the whole year. Wal Mart closes a day and a half, about 36 hours out of the entire year.
When does it open on Christmas day
So you guys close on Christmas but then after that what time do you open
They should open walmart at 6pm on christmas day
No, they should remain closed until the morning of Dec. 26th. Why do you feel like you should take time away from associates families? They close so associates can spend time with their families. They should also close at midnight the evening before Thanksgiving and not start Black Friday deals until the day after Thanksgiving.
So look what time does Wal-Mart open after Christmas?
What about the people that don’t celebrate Christmas at all they just get screwed when do they open back up no one tells that
Is it that hard for you to work around the hours and respect others?
Apparently not. Can’t go one day without the store. My bank isn’t opened weekends, but I still work around that when I need to go there. They close at 6 p.m. Christmas Eve this year and they re opened on Dec. 26th at 6 a.m. Some locations may vary, however. 36 hours out of the entire year for the Supercenters isn’t bad though. I don’t even understand why anyone cares when they opened the next day. Early enough to go shopping whenever you feel like getting up and doing returns or whatever. Customer Service usually opens at 7 a.m. though. I don’t know why people worry about their hours though. It is like they should never close according to some. Wal Mart associates deserve time with their families.
What time will you open on December 26?
Am from albuquerque new mexico can some 1 please tell me what time walmart opens the day after Christmas thanks in advance
Would have been nice to know when Walmart reopens , they could of at least had a recording informing the public what time they reopen
this doesnt say when walmart opens on christmas tho
They don’t open on Christmas!
They usually reopen at 10pm or 11pm on Christmas day itself, when the night crew comes in to clean up the store.
-ex Walmart employee
Why don’t you open on Christmas Day after Christmas is my birthday I was going to buy a cake.
Here is a novel idea, why don’t you just bake one?
Lol that’s funny
I ‘m a retired senior. At one time I thought of getting a part time job at Walmart. Troy, uu said your more valuable that the workers at Walmart. You must be very young or very ignorant. I have a degree in social science and worked for 20 yrs as an advocate for people with disabilities. Just because I have a degree doesn’t mean I m more valuable or better that those without. No one is better than anyone else, after all even the queen of England has to wipe her button just like everyone else. Please get over yourself.
What time does WalMart re-open on Friday, Dec. 26?
What are the hours for Walmart on New Year’s day?
What are the hrs for new yeas day
Maybe you should be asking.
What are Walmarts hours of opperation for New Year’s Day 2015?
Does WalMart pharmacy open Easter Sunday?
I don’t know but keep looking.
Walmart hours are limited on Easter,Thanksgiving,New years day.Closed on
Christmas, closes 8 pm Christmas Eve
I love Walmart. They sell good things there and i live near a Walmart so yay.
walmart is best
Why should walmart staff work Christmas Day , they have lives and families too
Thank you finally someone who understands we are not y’alls servants if you need to buy a gift on Christmas maybe you should have thought maybe I should get the present before its time for presents
Well, I disagree. I knew I wanted to be off for holidays and special events so I went and got an education which, in turn, provided me with the means to make decent money and receive holidays off. Wal-Mart is there for my needs, they literally serve me when I am there. I don’t mean to put anyone down for their professional choices. I believe we need you, as we need street sweepers and trash collectors. You are needed, but your job is not for me because I am a little more valuable. I respect nurses and doctors as they are very valuable but I believe they serve me when I go to the hospital. Its just the way it is. thank you for your holiday service.
This msg is for Troy, you sir are a pig, just because someone works at Walmart, does NOT mean they are uneducated! I bet there are a lot of educated, degree holding staff that work at Walmart, & other establishments as you say “beneath you kind of work”!
Now before you get your panties in a not, I know you didn’t say that exactly but that’s exactly what you ment & you know it!
Can everyone else just picture this large pissed off white chick planted in front of her windows 95 , tube screen , dial up internet cause Comcast just won’t go that deep into the trailer park- super pissed, bleach blonde hair as of 10 months ago angry because she’s been working at the same register at her regular, not super walmart but old school original style walmart already worried and pissed that them darn automated checkout machines, thems the debil mama…gonna “steal her position”. I can f-ing see it so clear she loves walmart. She has since she was created in the side lot by the garden section in a 79 grand prix. She has a conspiracy site dedicated to those checkout machines I can literally almost bet my basketnutz on. Ha ha she’s like the inventor of the pager the day she heard the term ‘cell phone’?!?! Blasphemy she shouted from her 3 wheeled computer chair that came with 4, then she realized she had just awoken her 5 newborns and her 3 sisters 7 kids all over some silly walmart post..silly park people, jobs are for kids, careers are for adults or do u not remember the Trix rabbit?
Troy you are correct. Why would i spend all that time and money for college and in return great you at the door at walmart. I dont even lime shopping there i fell like im lowering my self. There is no other store on this planet where you will find a crowd of inbread trailor park welfare recepiant all huddled around the mcdonalds inside looking for a buy one get one free deal. Whats really funny go to walmart up north around tracey. Its all indian, and they will look at you like what are doing in our store. Sandpiper please. I have no problem offending someone with comments, why, because its only the truth and its my god given right.
Troy is a troll. You may think you are educated but you are lacking in values and morals. If you were indeed an intelligent person you would then know that not all people are able to obtain a secondary education for many various reasons. This does not mean they have any less value to society. They deserve quality of life that includes holiday celebrations with family for some. You seem the type of person who devalues people because of what they earn and own when there is so much more to see in a human being.
Self absorbed egotistical and narcissistic.
Nobody “deserves” anything! Although Troy might sound like a dick; he got up killed something and dragged it home!
With all do respect you are a very narrow minded person. I have an Associates Degree and am currently working towards a Bachelor of Science. I then plan on getting my masters degree. I work at Walmart to pay for the education needed to get a job that will provide decent money and holidays off. I don’t know how you were able to afford your education, but please understand some people like me have to work Walmart jobs to pay for second education.
I agree not everyone who works in Walmart is uneducated and trash. My son currently works there for the same reason. He is paying college tuition, car insurance and gas. This is just a stepping stone for him. I also worked crazy odd jobs so I could go to college. My parents did not have the extra money needed to pay my tuition. My son is certainly not trash nor am I.
“Do respect”?…
I’d try and get a refund from whatever college you’re in.
Not all people want to know what our nasty government makes people have to know in the horrible liberal college. Most people just want to provide for their families, and enjoy time with them and, choose to learn what the truth is, not just lies about the world and history, that the government remakes and lies about in disgusting liberal colleges.
No wonder America is going to toilet. People like you troy. (Intentionally left the ‘t’ lower case. I feel you are beneath me and underserving of capitalization).
Just because you have a education don’t make you any better than anyone else.People like you disgust me.Do you think these people chose not to get the proper education ,I think not.There was most likely unfortunate circumstances that prevented them from obtaining a college education.We are all God’s children and we’re created equal in the eyes of the Lord.Be careful how you judge people as you will have to answer for it in your final days.Try and treat others with respect if you ever expect to be respected yourself.Have a very blessed day my friend.
People who sit there in front of a computer or on their phone badgering other’s education level are just proving to everyone that even if you’re to be well educated They can Be BORED AND UNHAPPY WITH THEIR LIVES. Don’t you Agree?
Dear Troy, I work at Wal-Mart. I have 20 + years of civil service experience, I am prior military in both active duty and the reserves. I have a Bachelor’s degree and graduated with honors. I chose to work at Wal-Mart because they treat me with respect and offer advancement at a faster rate than the civil service jobs ever did. I am not a cashier, cart retriever or customer greeter, those are the hard jobs here at Wal-Mart. I have a job in the back where no one ever sees me. I help the store stay operating at the maximum level. No job at Wal-Mart should be looked down at, no associate at Wal-Mart should be thought of as an uneducated, sub-par individual. Yes, there are a handful of individuals who are not doing their jobs and who are not happy, but you will find that at any work location. Shame on you for your unkind words.
For some Wal-Mart is just a secondary job. Maybe if you had one, you’d make more money and not be such a dick.
That is so immature do u know that students work too. There are disable people that work in retail stores. They also deserve to stay home for the Holidays. Black Friday turned into black Thursday. It’s just not fair to ne with family eatting and running out to go to work. This is not a regular visit. It is a special day which family u never see come down to visit-✌
Troy, I work at Walmart! I have a bachelors and Masters degree in engineering and management. I have a weekly job as an engineer manager. I work at Walmart on the weekends as an assembler. Walmart hired me when I was in between jobs. I stay with them because I enjoy the people I work with and walmart corporation is good to their employees. And yes I have people just like you that try to talk down to me. The jokes on you my friend#
Troy was born in a McDonald’s parking lot and thinks it makes him better, honestly.
Troll doll Troy…You think your s… don’t stink because you are so high and mighty due to going to college. College did you no good if you are so disrespectful of all others. Most of us went to college. The average person still has respect for others. You someday may be needing a job from Walmart because maybe you become disabled or need that 2nd job. Walmart employees are very pleasant people. A quality you obviously are lacking. So I urge them in the future when you are in need, to NOT hire you, you foul example of a human being. Now go repair yourself and quit hanging around with other ugly trolls.
I disagree with this comment there are educated people that work for Walmart. Take me for example, I work for Walmart. I have a bachelor’s degree, however because my husband’s career in the Navy moves us around often. I am waiting until he retires to start my career. So before you judge please keep in mind that no one is your servant. They are working because they are willing to help you out. If you would like to go on a rant why don’t you rant about the people who are not working and living off of our taxes.
Oh we understand . You are also not helpful, not knowledgeable, not reliable, not educated, not very good at your job and definitely not irreplaceable. Did I mention not helpful?
Walmart is closed on Christmas day! You all obviously didn’t read the above paragraph. You have a choice in everything, do i go to work? Do i stay home and fuck off? U make a choice….We choose our jobs, if you want certain hours or days off go find that job. I work as auditor at Sams club,(walmart) I have all weekends off, I’m off thanksgiving, Christmas, new years, Easter and 4th July…but that’s what I got hired on as availability for me. And the job I all are just being so hateful to each other over silly walmart hours when everyone made that choice
Is Walmart closef on Canada Day anyone?
does any one knows if they are open hours for Walmart.
Is Walmart open in Tupelo, MS on thanksgiving Day?
My advice to some of these people is stop worrying about Walmart Store Hours and get back to school immediately. Start at the first grade level and work yourselves up to High School
wrong words to use knoe, tho, and there, to instead of their and too
You don’t spell no good to!!
Can manger over ride your schdule when you are not available like on Thursday
Yes because they own you
Why wouldn’t you be available? Get another job if you aren’t “available” stop you’re whining. You can eat turkey the other 364 days of the year…good lord.
how do i use the change machine and what the exchange rate
they have door greeters to help curb some shoplifting, not to make less checkers at the checkout.
They teach you what to look for at the door as you greet people, you’re also looking for people walking out with merchandise
They don’t teach their people… Atleast not everything at once. My store is always ahort on greeters so they pull from my department and they like doing this with our new girl along with some of the others who not register trained. We’re apparel, not security guards/greeters.
Then again, this might just be only my store.
hello does walmart open today ??
Same time it opened yesterday
It didn’t open yesterday, just the day before dumass, honestly.
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I am not
So bugger off
Is Walmart pharmacy in Evansville Indiana open on Labor Day in 2016 ?
I stubble upon these hilarious comments…Thanks for the laughs!!!
Like beard stubble?
Yes I love stumbling upon these forums and comments……very entertaining and Im one of the most difficult people to impress….a big critic if you will.
Yeah, I have beard stubble at the end of every day. 🙂
To Speak to a Human Being… too bad! Good Bye!
I think walmart should close on major holidays to give employees time to spend with family, those days wouldn’t make a difference those same shoppers would still come when they reopen, besides there employees should make alot more money than they get. Walmart is a multi. Million dollar business, pay your employees decent!!!
You do realize Wal-Mart employees start at 9 dollars an hour which is 75 cents above minimum. For a job that requires little skill, that’s pretty good. Not to mention that it raises to 10 dollars an hour, and employees also receive 10% discount on all purchases after 90 days that helps you save your hard earned money An assistant manager makes approximately 95k a year, so I mean if you think that’s shitty pay, that’s cool. It’s better than most places .
Amen to that
It’s true Walmart makes plenty of money. I agree they should pay the people that work hard to make these stores run on a day to day program. Holidays (to me) are way over rated. The only holiday that would come into question would be Christmas. If you are a Christian i could see where that could be a problem. Walmart didn’t get where they are at by closing every holiday. I would be willing to bet that’s when they make there most money, but they should be willing to pay there employee extra for there time. I can’t speak for everyone , but when your trying to make ends meet a days pay means a lot. So Walmart come off the hip and pay these people right. These are the people that make you money.
I agree!
An assistant manager begins at a base pay of 46K. That is shitty pay for a 6 day a week, 11 hour a day job.
We don’t get discounts on all purchases only certain products and we don’t get paid holiday pay either. My job requires skill and I really should get paid more for it. Not everyone can do my job. (Cake decorator).
Well said!
Exactly. You have sense 🙂
You do realize that that is still a slave wage considering you cannot afford to live on 9 an hour in ANY state in the country?
My husband is suppose to be full time at Walmart. He’s been working there for 3 years. He has a wife and 4 children, a mortgage, taxes, bills, and everything else the average person has to pay for; yet, he only makes about $17,000 a year take home pay. He could be a manager, but he’d only make $.50 more an hour, never be home, be the first to be fired when they have cutbacks, and still be treated like crap. That %10 off doesn’t include everything in the store and it doesn’t save you anything if your left with no money to buy anything after all the bills are paid and the super carefully budgeted groceries are bought. No, Walmart does not pay well, they are understaffed, have too many managers and only care about their profits.
Very true and well spoken!
I worked as an assistant manager in 95 and made $28,000
I agree Walmart should be closed on Thanksgiving. Apparently they do not care about their employees, if the did, the store would be closed so everyone could be with their families. The shoppers would come to the store when it reopens. The union needs to get in there and take care of the workers rights. Not only is Walmart a multi billion dollar company, it is also heavily subsidized be our government which is how it got to be a multi million dollar company. I’m not a believer in government subsidies, therefore, I never shop in Walmart.
They care about their employees but they also care about their customers. If you are unable to work on thanksgiving, believe it or not there are a lot of people who are willing to work, on thanksgiving, any employee who works gets a 20% off on all purchases for one day. You can buy anything from 5 carts full of chistmas present to two carts of groceries or household necessities. In case you didnt know walmart is a big company. Which means it takes A LOT for a store to run. As a Walmart employee, i understand this. Did you ever think about this. Say a walmart cashier who has a a husband and three kids, needs a little extra help (20% off) getting presents because they are having trouble making ends meet, and her husband is a full time nurse at a hospital, and tlhe is always scheduled on thanksgiving, they can’t spend that day together either way, so they do it on friday when they are both off. Walmart isnt the best place to work, but it is a job, and they give back what they can to their employees. Including quarterly bonuses, christmas off, and they also give vacation hours..
If someone doesn’t want to work holidays, they should try to find a job away from the retail market. Being a multi-million dollar company is a good thing. It is the reason these people have a job there. They should hope their employer stays successful so they can keep working. Nurses, CNA’s, and doctors, and hospital cooks, hotel employees, Police, Dispatchers…..etc work holidays, and they don’t complain because they know that they will be working holidays when they take those jobs. No different for retail workers. They don’t have life any tougher than anyone else. I think, everyone should stop telling Walmart workers what they and Walmart should be doing. If you don’t like your job, work harder at finding a different one. In the mean time we should all be thankful for what we have, and that includes our jobs.
Walmart does close on major holidays, PAY ATTENTION! It’s listed right above your dumb comment
Sorry My Friend, Walmart is closed ONLY on Christmas Day. All other holidays they are open
So what??? Don’t like it? Don’t work there. Holy crap so sick of all the whining about working holidays. I worked holidays for years and years and loved it.
Wrong. Walmart is also closed on Easter and for limited hours on thanksgiving day and NYE. check your local Walmarts hours lol.
Sorry my friend. That is a “No”. Read for yourself.
Christmas is the only day Walmart ever closes.
I don’t think Thanksgiving is a major holiday. Don’t make some day where you’re going to tell me how to feel. How bout Regretfuliving or Unsureaday? Nonsense!
That’s ridiculous. Even if you choose not to celebrate it, it is a major holiday.
Wtf are you talking about? Thanksgiving is a major holiday in this country because it is celebrated by a vast majority of residents. Inarguable regardless of what you “think” or celebrate. Also it is not called Thankful day because it is not telling you how to feel. It’s a day to give thanks. If your situation is so poor that you aren’t “feeling” thankful just shut up and have some turkey. Unsureaday…putz.
It’s the dumbest holiday there is. It’s always going to be in the middle of the week and you’re going to have to work the next day so, what’s the point? What about the fact that Walmart buys a life insurance policy on each and every employee and names Walmart the beneficiary? As far as I know, Walmart has never been implicated for trying to “off” an employee but wouldn’t it bother you if you know your employer has more to gain if you die than if you live. Even if it’s not illegal, it’s immoral.
They don’t care. It’s all about the mighty dollar.
Some people like to work on holidays because they don’t have family around. They can be around people instead of alone at home.
Military – Southeast Asia – Vietnam
Holiday…What the hell is a holiday. Sometimes you have to do what is necessary for others. We did our duty for all back home. Some gave all, all gave some. Stop whining. Do for others. Make the world a better place. There are people out there trying to do harm. We must not let them succeed.
I done thot you wus jokin but codnt go in ther today for the grosers shaping. Coud goten feed but had dors loked not open for sail.
you can kill us but you can’t eat us!!
Roflmbo…. .
Hahahahahaha! That was good.
I agree and thank you for your service.
What are you even talking about? Serving in the military and working at Walmart have absolutely nothing to do with each other. I Am pro veteran I do respect and thank you for your service but working at Wally World is not anyone’s Duty and I’m not sure how at all it makes the world a better place they deserve holidays better pay and benefits. Sounds to me like Donna is working real hard to make the world a better place for her family something you should respect maybe think for half a second before you put people down just for speaking their minds on something they think is wrong. You’d be surprised how far A little manners and basic courtesy will get you in life. Thank you again for your service and Merry Christmas. Sincerely Chris Green
Yes you’re right
I gave all just to serve America
Most of my troops are deceased due to terrorist attacks we’ve witnessed here
To let people know not all walmarts give out 20% discounts my walmart only gave 15 and there are some things that could change like mangers treating there workers better and stop playing favorites they push u so hard even when we dont have enough workers i work as a cap team 2, 2 to 11 stock team we have a super center and its a big store we the cap team two top stock, unload the trucks ,do break packs and processing, stock shelves and do it with only 12 of us because. There is only 16 on the cap team two and im not sure if yall got holiday pay but our store didnt give us it they told us we could use some of our pto that we saved up for it but we earned that why should we have to us it for holiday pay pluse i work with a management team who like to lie to there employees but your right ill still be working there because i need the money
What store were you at? You can contact the Home Office in Benyonville, Arkansas.
Correction: Bentonville, Arkansas
Holiday pay and overtime are some of the changes that were made this spring. Anything to save a penny…
I had to really take my time to read this. Two is in reference to the number 2. To = “I’m going to Walmart to shop for Christmas.” Too = “That’s awesome! My mom gave me money for Christmas too!” “I have two minutes to sit around.” Also, the use of your “there”. You weren’t using it speaking abt “going there”….you were referring to people so it’s “their”. There = “Yes, I will be there for Christmas.” They’re = “I don’t think they’re going home for Christmas.” Their = “Their policy doesn’t allow it. Their dad is coming home for the holidays. I love their cooking.” You had a lot of run on sentences as well. I didn’t know where you were ending. I thought it was all one sentence, but later realized it wasn’t.
But I’m sorry you didn’t get holiday pay. That’s not good! I’m sure working at Walmart during the holidays is difficult enough. I hope you had a great time with your family at least. Great memories to be made! Always remember the true meaning of Christmas. Christ was born! Celebrating His birth/birthday is a blessing/gift in itself.
Happy Holidays & God Bless,
“Grammar Police”
Christ was born in the spring. LOL
Yeah, they’re not right Donna. For some reason they listed me as non competitive on my background check even though it’s clear whatever obviously I don’t want to work there anyway and you don’t either you should find somewhere better just my opinion but I hear that argument for people too much staying at jobs they hate because they need the money that they could just as easily get somewhere else just something to think about Merry Christmas
Spelling? Sentence structure?
Update This year Walmart will close at 6pm on Christmas eve
I might need to buy batteries and beer on Christmas day. Is the manager hiding inside? I’ll kick the doors until he lets me in. I’ll only be a minut.
95% of you people net to stfu.
Does it open at the same time?
When will they open again then 12 am on day after christmas?
When will walmart open the day after Christmas?
I seriously believe that many people making comments on this site should learn how to spell properly, as well as learn proper sentence structure and grammar. When one reads these comments it is difficult to understand how they finished school. Is it laziness or a serious lack of understanding? It’s no wonder the U.S.A. is faltering behind other industrialized nations.
Amen. I am shocked at the grammer and spelling
Amen. I mean, it’s like people have nothing better to do than sit around lazily and post on how they disagree with other people’s posts. Wait a minute…
Does it really matter how is someone spelling something? The So call correct spelling of the phones will spell a word wrong. So arrogant and perfect. Gregory.
You need to consider that a large majority of the people that work at “most” Walmart’s are foreign and don’t have the best English. Sure they could use spellcheck but then again maybe they haven’t learned about spellcheck yet. And if your a true American, how about you not embarrasse us and show that us Americans do have compassion for others. Gheeze!
Maybe they did not finish school,maybe they are a homeless crackhead with a smartphone who cares. Are u a teacher if so go teach someone leave people alone u have no clue what kinda mental ilnesses or what they could be dealing with. I hope in your next life u are illiterate and disslexic
Wal-Mart is a disgrace and one day all’s your going to have is Wal-Mart McDonald’s and a few others that took over the market and after the new world order takes affect and the United nations owns all American soil in which they own a lot now we will just remain test dummies for the Rothschild family and upper class to see how new chemicals and products make us act such as the stupid smart phone it has the world walking around and driving around looking down at a phone while the world passed them by
One HUGE, raving fanatical runon sentence; where do you people come from?
I purchased a very expensive PS4 game for my son. The checker got the game out of the locked case and checked me out. The plastic wrap was on the game. My son opened it on Christmas morning and found that the “game” inside was switched for an old dvd. If Walmart will take items back from people that scam them and ruined a Christmas gift. Walmart should be open in order to make things right. Worst of all I know that we will waste tomorrow standing in line to find that we are the victims.
I’m sorry, but I think you need to be considerate about the workers at Walmart. I think that them getting a day off to be with their family is a little more important then your child waiting an extra day to fix his/her present.
AMEN TO THAT! When I was a kid, my parents would have told me, “one day is not going to kill you”!!!! TRUTH!
Lol. Sorry but no one with even half a brain would buy your story of buying a “new” unopened PS4 game and then finding out there was only a DVD in it. Seriously? What DVD was it if you don’t mind me asking? Haha it doesn’t matter, I suppose you could say any movie your heart desired and I would have to just accept it eh?
If you don’t think there are people out there that carefully pull the plastic open so they can reseal it in a way that is barely detectable, so they can get a $60.00 game disk then put some old disk in case so it feels right when you handle it and reseal, return and get their $60.00 back, you are naive as can be.
There are scammers who have shrink wrap and sealers (you can buy both off eBay for less than the cost of that game) so they can make it look completely unopened. Drop it in the little plastic bag, seal it with the impulse sealer, shrink with heat gun or really ambitious hairdryer. If you’re me, your products are now neatly and professionally packaged. If you’re a scammer, someone else’s products now look unopened and unstolen.
I’m am sorry to hear that, about purchase a gift for your child and to open it and it was something else in there, my heart goes out to your child, and I know you don’t deserve what’s to come tomorrow in the return lines.mariam mock
When do they open?
To all Wal-mart workers, I for one appreciate your hard work, and your service. There are people out here doesn’t know how hard you work. Im a postal worker. And i know how you feel when you doesnt feel appreciated. Sorry you doesnt get the holidays off. Maybe, one day it will changed for you to get at least Christmas off. Thank you for your hard work, and blessed you!
You are such a sweet person! Thinking of others is something very hard to find these days! Bless you and your family!!!!
Just read your post.I work over night and we create the miracles by getting the freight out,making the departments look good,and putting up with customers (19 yr olds ect) that come in during the night and just want to play/steal and mess the areas.They like to ride the motorized carts around and knock fixures around/knock clothes ect. onto the floor..nusiance.
A classic example of what Stacy L. Mounce was saying! How does a person be a postal worker and not know how to spell or use correct grammar?
Please people learn how to spell or spell check before you post! Do you realize how much you are embarrassing American Educational Systems .If you can’t find it in your heart have a little compassion for your fellow man why not just keep it to yourselves . I know that it’s freedom of speech but why not just for once spread kindness.You may be very surprised at how gratitude can make you whole day brighter!
Punctuation is key as well…
Hypocrites are just as bad for the public as the uneducated, and you’re really not helping the cause.
You do realize that you don’t have perfect spelling either, right? Stop being such a WUSS and MOVE ON!! I mean, seriously, you’re not a CHAT INSPECTOR! Now be a good girl, and cry yourself a river, build yourself a bridge, and GET OVER IT!
Us hillbilly who shop at those there Wal-Mart’s don’t need to spell out punctuate properly! Git oevr it muron…
Your comment about “spelling & spell check ” is right on point! I absolutely agree about spreading KINDNESS. If a person is unsure of how to spell something please take the time to LOOK IT UP and then type it. Otherwise, just don’t respond with words you don’t know or what they mean. It’s okay to ask for help. Dont be ashamed. No one is perfect. We’re HUMAN..HUMAN’s make mistakes.
*sigh* HUMANS not HUMAN’S. THE APOSTROPHE MAKES HUMANS POSSESSIVE. Didn’t you people even have a rudimentary English class? This error is everywhere.
Spelling errors are made….give people are little slack please…..patience IS A VIRTIUE. Not all of us are gifted with high tech knowledge. I THINK A BIT OF KINDNESS FITS IN HERE ALSO.
Given that people have been managing to do it for centuries, I don’t think “high tech knowledge” is necessary to spell correctly.
This post is ridiculous who cares if they can spell or not,there are bigger issues in this country than the spelling of Walmart shoppers
Wow!!! I love a Grammar Nazi that bashes people for not spell checking, then totally butchers the rest of the paragraph with grammar errors. Lol! Then has the audacity to give advice on compassion after telling folks they are an embarrassment to the educational system. Make sure you’re sober and making logical comments before trying to play life coach. Merry Christmas everyone!
Talk about embarrassing! Maybe you should have checked your reply before posting. As intelligent as you seem to think you are, I would have thought you’d know that a ? goes after a question, not a . which you is what you did. Not only that, you left a space before the period. Then you’re last statement is the absolute best. You may be very surprised at how much gratitude can make YOU whole day brighter. Bahahaha!!!!! Great job grammar police!!! I bet you made the American Educational Systems so proud. The person you corrected misspelled ONE word. YOK embarrassed your WHOLE self!!!
@Stacy L Mounce, learn how to punctuate and proof read your comments prior to posting
Some people just dont give a fu&$ about there grammar or spelling they are just trying to get a message across like. WHO CARES are u a teacher if so go teach some kids. U dont know anything about the person typing maybe they have a dissability or illness.. How do u feel now ranking on someone with some seriouse life issues. What has the world come too isnt this about wallmarts business
Don’t read it then!! How dare you tell someone how to post or what to do. Your what’s wrong with America always up in someone’s business. Tend to your own!! Furthermore, your Educational System SUCKS, you must pay to learn to read & write!! What an atrocity!!!!
That would be, “ You’re what’s wrong” ….
Lol.. I had to…
I wasn’t going to say anything.
Funny how you tell others how to spell, but you don’t know when or where to punctuate. Do you even know what a comma is, lol?
And your criticizing spreads kindness How? Smdh
Amen, some people don’t have anything else to do, but they have time to put others down. Shame on you and that makes you a bully. Get a life and stop getting into others busines.
Nobody cares. Stop trying to sound smart. You sound ignorant.
Sorry Miss OCD but it’s called communicating — not Spelling Bee.
Stacy, yes people like you and their uneducated replies are an embarrassment. Take a look at how you should have posted: “Please people learn how to spell or check before you post! Do you realize how much you are embarrassing the American educational systems? I know it’s freedom of speech, but why not just for once spread kindness? You may be surprised at how gratitude can make your whole day brighter!” – You had 5 grammatical errors and you are lecturing others? Not only that, but your gratitude nonsense makes no sense followed by your NOT SO kind comments about grammar. Nut job.
Couldn’t agree more lets find good and stop sweating the little things.
Thought the topic was Walmart….
Have you ever realized that there are people with learning disabilities? Stop being a know it all and have compassion.
Yes. Those people work at Walmart.
Why don’t you live and let live and mind your own business!
You missed two question marks in your rant.
Oh the irony. Your punctuation is terrible.
Look at your spelling mistakes! LOL IRONIC!!!
Whats the opening and closing time for walmart on sundays
when will walmart open and close tommorrow
What are Walmart hours for Thanksgiving week?
What are Walmart hours for Thanksgiving weekend.
when does walmart close on sundays
I Bought an iTunescard $30 but it hasn’t be activated…What is really going on with you people
Precisely why would you be griping to a random website that lists business hours for hundreds of stores about some issue you’re having with Walmart? This leads one to think that the problem with your iTunes card (it’s two words) is probably not someone else’s fault.
When does Walmart close
When does Walmart close on Sundays ??
Hello, Wondering why Walmart does not take the smaller carts in the store. This would help seniors and persons with disabilities and injuries. I have asked many times and the other excuse I receive is that the cart machine only hooks up to the big carts. I have seen many customers have to take in their own small cart. I have taken in my own but now find it easier to go to other stores to shop where they do take in the small carts. I’m disappointed with Walmart’s policy on leaving the small carts outside. Any chance this will change in future?
so much easier to put my purse in the cart as I pass it and bring it in the store myself helps as a walker
Can my husband send me money through Walmart on Saturday or Sunday
What time does Walmart close today Thursday July 6th 2017?
there are 2 Walmart in San Diego county that are open 24 hours
Hi can u please upload the addresses to the 24 hour location for WALMART SUPERCENTER THANKS
I think they were open July 6th, 2017. You may want to call them to verify this.
what time do you open back up on the 26 december in evans mill
What time do you open in the am, (THE 26TH}???????
Ordered “Black Ops 4” PS4 version. Delivered in a timely manner. My son opened the box on Christmas Day to find the Xbox version inside. So, he can’t play the game on Christmas Day. “Disappointed” does not quite fully describe the combination of anger and frustration.
Well, I’d tell him to put on a pair of shoes and take a step outside and have some verbal communication with a real human being…..”disappointment” “anger” “frustration”……really? Because your kid got the wrong video game? And you condone this? I’d rip that Phukken ps4 out of the wall so fast. Anyone who lets their kid get emotional over video games is leading them down a path that is super destructive for their adult hood.
The parent literally has every right to be disappointed buddy. If you order a certain version of a game and it isn’t the right version, Of course they will get upset?? You honestly sound like a boomer by the way you talk about the kid liking video games. If it was for any scenario where something they got wasn’t right I bet you would agree with it. “Super destructive for their Adulthood” Bet you’re REALLY fun at parties and was brainwashed by Fox news to think video games are the destruction of humanity LMAOO
Will my local Walmart Supercenter Store & Walmart Pharmacy be open on Jan. 1, 2019? Could you please let me know the hours for both if they are? My store is #2884 at 8060 W Tropical Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89149