Barnes And Noble Hours
Barnes and Noble Business Hours
Barnes and Noble is one of the few bricks and mortar book stores that has managed to stay afloat amid the e-book surge. The company offers special events, in store reading sections and special events with local, national and international authors. You can visit the store seven days a week. The official website [+] offers more information on store business hours.
Barnes and Noble Regular Business Hours
- Weekdays: You can visit the store during Barnes and Noble store business hours on weekdays. Hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Friday.
- Weekends: Weekend Barnes and Noble store business hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Saturday and 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Sunday.
Barnes and Noble Holiday Hours
There is no mention of specific holiday hours for Barnes and Noble. Barnes and Noble store business hours may be extended during some holiday events, like Black Friday. The business is also closed on major holidays like:
- Christmas Day
- Thanksgiving Day
Other holidays may be observed. Check out your local store via information from the store locator [+] for more information on holiday hours.
Barnes and Noble Special Event Hours
There are regular special events at Barnes and Noble. The events are location specific and change regularly. Visit the contact page [+] for information on special events.
Contacting Barnes and Noble to Verify Business Hours
- Phone Number: Call the customer service department at 1-866-238-7323 to ask about Barnes and Noble store business hours. The customer service department is likely open during normal business hours EST, but no specific hours are listed on the company website.
- Email Contact: There is a contact page [+] customers can use to ask questions about Barnes and Noble store business hours. The contact page offers a contact form at the bottom of the page. You will need to choose a reason for the contact before the contact page will appear.
- Mail: Write your inquiry about Barnes and Noble store business hours to the customer service department at: Barnes and Noble P.O. Box 111 Lyndhurst, NJ 07071.
- Social Media: If you need a quick answer about Barnes and Noble store business hours you can contact a customer service representative via social media. Try the Facebook [+] or Twitter [+] page for more information. You need to use your account to contact a customer service representative.
– Sasha,You SO deserve to be inceduld in this list of ICONS. You are a risk taker, a mover-shaker and do things your way staying true to yourself, your style, your core values. You push boundaries, challenge the status quo and that takes chutzpah to put yourself out there like that, knowing not only your product will face critics (good and bad) but yourself as an artist will as well. BUT, that is what ICONS do and we are grateful for them because, if we are smart, we pay attention and learn from ICONS on how to be better at being our best selves at what we do as well. Hope we can have another one of those amazing talks like we did at Catersource/ES real soon. Enjoy your presentation in NYC and I know you will be fabulous and inspiring as always. You certainly inspire ME!T.
Are you open fourth of july